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Austen Drive Allotment Guideline​s

Who can apply for a Plot?

Anyone who lives in Bramley, Residents from the surrounding villages are also welcomed to apply.


​Waiting List

When all the plots on the site are full the Association will keep a list of people interested in renting a plot. When a Plot becomes available, the association will offer it the the person who has been waiting the longest


What can you grow?

Allotment gardeners may grow vegetables,flower and fruit on their plot.


​Caring for your Allotment

The main requirement of your agreement is to keep your plot, or plots tidy and removing litter and rubbish, controlling weeds regularly so they do not seed and cause any problems for other gardeners.


​Watering you Crops

Water is a precious commodity,please use it sparingly and concider other allotment gardeners when watering your plot. Please ensure hose pipes are in good condition and that adapters are working and not leaking. Water Butts are avaialbe, Please contact us if you would like to purchase one.



Most organic matter such as vegetable waste,grass mowings,hedge trimmings and even weeds can be used in the compost heap. Leaving weeds to dry out in the sund will make sure they are dead when you add them to the heap, but it is best to avoid perennial weeds, such as bindweed, as they may continue to grow in the compost heap. If Possible, have 2 or more heaps so they can be added to one while you use the compost from the other.

Please ensure you are using the designated compost heaps and help us and our gardening neighbours by keeping these areas tidy.

Compost heaps should be made of layers of different materials,with each layer no more than 15cm thick. This will help keep the heap open and allow air to circulate - Which is essential if the compost is to rot down quickly. Sprinkling a handful of compost starter, fertiliser or animal manure on the layers will speed up the rate of decomposition.

As the heap starts to rot, the temperature of the heap will rise, helping to kill the weeds seeds and spores in the compost. Cover the heap with black plastic sheeting or a tarpaulin to keep the heat and the moisture in. Turn the heap to let it air in and keep the heap rotting. Usually it takes six months for the heap to break down inot dark brown, nutritious compost. Homemade compost is an essential part of every organic gardeners plot and is cheap and easy to make, with the benefit of giving a supply of nutritious organic matter to restore the soil and feed and mulch your crops.


You may bring your green waste,such as hedge clippings,grass clippings and weeds onto the Allotment, for composting but the amount must be manageable and not in excess to litterr the Allotment or hinder other gardeners disposal of their own green waste.


Similarly, you can arrange for deliveries of manure however you must not bring on more than you can use in a year. This mus not hinder paths or encrouch on neighbouring plots. ​


​ Disposal of your Rubbish

​You need to make your own arrangements for disposing of all rubbish from your plot or plots. This includes disposing of excessive green waste and any other non-compostable items. All Rubbish can be taken to the Re Use and Recycling centre on Lidget Lane, Ravenfield. For more Information see the link below:



You must not deposit or allow anyone else to deposit rubbish anywhere on the allotment site. This includes in the hedges around around the allotment site and unworked plots. Please do not add to any illegal rubbish dumped on your site.

Remember money spent removing illegal rubbish means that there will be less for other essential maintainance and site improvement work.


Asbestos based products are not permitted on the Allotment site.


Burning Rubbish

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, it is an offence to emit smoke, fumes or gases which are a nuisance. Allowing smoke to drift over nearby roads may also lead to prosecution under the Highways(Amendment) Act 1986 if it endangers traffic.

Remember that smoke from bonfires can be annoying to neighbours, ruining their enjoyment of their own gardens and preventing them from opening their windows and hanging out ther washing.Bonfires can damage the health of children, the elderly and those with Asthma and other breathing problems. Continueing to cause a nuisance in this way could lead to the termination of your agreement.


* Before lighting a bonfire,thing of other ways to dispose of your rubbish. Can you compost it or take to the Re Use or Recycle Centre.

* If you must have a fire,pick a time when the wind is not blowing in the direction of any neighbours.

* Do not burn green or damp materials or household rubbish that can cause smoke and never use petrol, methylated spirits or similar to light a fire.

* Never leave a fire unattended.

* When lighting a fire please make sure you contact the local fire department


Sheds, Polytunnels, Greenhouses and decking

Rules on this matter to be confirmed



You can bring dogs into the allotment site but they must remain on a leash at all times and it is the owners responsibilty to clear up any Foul immediately and must be disposed of correct and not on the allotment site.



The following Livestock can be kept on the allotment: Chickens upto a maximum of 10 on any one plot.Pigeons can also be kept on the allotment site in the designated area.(Please approach the board members regarding this matter)Bee's can be kept on the Allotment with the applicable paperwork in place and evidence given to the Chairman .(Please approach the board members regarding this matter). All animals must be well kept and cared for,given sufficient shelter and kept securely and safe. If any animals are found to not being kept in good conditions will be reported and further action may be taken.



You must not erect notices or advertisements on Allotment property unless cleared with the board members.



Any fences erected around your personal plot must be no higher 2 and a half feet. There must be sufficient space under the fencing for wildlife such as Hedgehogs to get underneath safely and freely roam the Allotment site.


Maintenance of Allotment fences & Paths

It is the responsibilityof gardeners to upkeep the paths between their own plots and others. Any Maintainance or repair issues must be reported to a Paul Plant or Roger and we will arrange the repair as quickly as possible. For your safety and security of the site.



Please always lock the gates when entering or leaving the site. If you see anyone acting suspicously or found breaking and entering the Allotment site please report to the local Police.



Austen Drive Allotment Association meets every three months, in time new the new Season. The meetings give the Allotment site Representatives a chance to raise and resolves any issues. Together, we develop new ideas to promote allotment gardening and improve our sites through fundraising. Any Allotment gardener is welcome to attend and we recommend all attend to be kept up to date and have their say in any issues where we may require a vote to decide an outcome that suits all. There is a set agenda made prior to the meeting to give strute to the meeting but it is open to discussion with plenty of free time to ask questions or discuss allotment topics. Minutes from the meeting will be provided on a request basis in writing and also available on our website for all to view.


Allotment Societies

​There are many gardening and allotment societies in the Borough which organise flower shows and other gardening events. You are encouraged to join you local society, as they will be able to offer advice and information for lcoal events and meetings.

We will place some events details on our Site notice board for our gardeners awareness.

​Allotment Agreement


Your Rent


How to Pay

Rent payments can be made either by cash or cheque. Please make Cheques payable to : Austen Drive Allotment Association.​


Change of Circumstances


Moving to another Plot

If you want to move to another Plot or take an additional Plot on the same site please contact Paul Plant.

We will update your records and put the new plot in your name.

If there is a waiting list inplace on the site you can still ask to move to another plot, but you will have to give up your original plot in exchange. Contact Paul Plant who will put a note on your plot records and contact you when the plot you want becomes vacant.

If you require an additional plot and there is a waiting list then your name will be added to the list until another plot is available.


No Subletting

You may have a private arrangement to share your plot with a friend. However, YOU are still the tenant. The Plot can only be held in one name at a time. The Tenant is always responsible for the maintainance of the polt even if he/she choses to share. If you decide to give up your plot,you must not pass it into your friend,or anyone else. You must let an Association member aware and a new agreement will be set up. But Remeber, if there is a waiting list for a plot,we will offer the plot to the first person on the waiting list.


Giving up your Plot/ Ending your agreement

When you decide to give up your plot this must be received by the Association in writing. This will formally end your tenancy agreement on your plot. You can give motice that you intend to give up your plot at any time. We will note the date that you want to finish,even if it is several months away. We will look to have your plot taken over as soon as you stop working it. This will help the new garden off to a good start and makes sure that the plot soent become overgrown.

The Association will not refund any rental no matter how short your tenancy has been from the start of the new year.

The Tenancy Agreement dhall automativally end on the 29th March following a death of the tenant.


Ending your Allotment Agreement

In some circumstances, the Association can end the Allotment agreement with you. The tenancy may be ended by the Association in the following ways:To Be Confirmed


* The Association giving the Tenant at least 1 months notice in writing.

* If the Tenant has been issued with a notice to Quit the plot followign the receipt of a non cultivation letter.

* Or if a tenant has breached the conditions in the Allotment agreement and Rules & Regulations. (See Above)

 Rules & Regulations​

1. You must use your plot as an Allotment Garden. You must use it mainly to grow fruit & Vegetables for your family


2. ​We will inspect your plot in the second week in April,June & September, and it mus be reasonably well cultivated and free of weeds and rubbish at those inspections.


3. You may keep hens & Pigeons, You must not allow your livestock cause a nuisance and thei farewell standards must be high.


4. You may have one shed no bigger than 8" x 10" and greenhouse and polytunnels of a combined area no bigger than 10" x 30"


5. You must not, neither  yourself nor your guests make a nuisance of yourself.


6. You must not dump anything in the common areas or on any other plot.


7. You must not obstruct the pathways.


8. You must maintain the pathways between your plot and your neighbours' plot.


9. You must not used barbed wire or anything else that may cause injury.


10. You must keep you dogs under control and must dispose of any poop off the site.


11. You must not use carpet as a weed suppressant.


12. You may only start bonfires after either dusk or 6pm,and you must not leave a fire unattended. Bonfires cause a lot of nuisance for the sites neighbours so you may only burn dry materials that will make a minimum amount of smoke. You must not bring items onto the allotments to burn,nor burn nor anything which could be reasonably be composted.


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